La Vallée des Couleurs


La Vallée des Couleurs

  • 8.8.2023

Dreams are supposed to come true, and I've already fulfilled a lot of them here. One of them was the zipline in La Vallée des Couleurs. And I confess that it was the only reason for visiting this adventure park. In addition to a lot of ziplines, you can also find other pastimes here. At the entrance, one of the "guides" will meet you and introduce you to the services the park offers and help with orientation. We went for the signature zipline (1.5 km) just for me. Vojta was watching over the girls ❤️🙏 on the playground in the central part, where there was also a turtle.

How does the zipline itself work? Immediately after paying, I went to the part where they put on the appropriate harness, gave me a helmet with my gopro (here was a classic problem for me, because I have a very small head for adult helmets, and I was a little nervous about that, but it was ok eventually😂 ). I got into a jeep that delivered us to individual attractions, the park is really vast. There was a very nice worker at the top station, who easily distracted people, who were a little scared.

And then it was my turn. I received instructions on how to behave on the zipline. I laid down on the bench, the young man slightly bent her down, turned on my gopro, 3 - 2 - 1 - go! And suddenly I whizzed down. It was amazing. My tears flowed as I "flew". And then I saw my loved ones and cried out on them. At the end, a few smiles into the professional lens and exit. If you report your weight correctly, you will reach the bottom station. One lady obviously reported the wrong number and didn't make it 😂 she stopped a few meters before the finish line, so they had to pull her up manually 😁. The gentlemen at the bottom helped me out of the harness, turned off the gopro, and I ran after my darlings full of impressions. If you buy more ziplines, you continue from here.

From the playground, we walked along the footpath around the river to the waterfalls. In total, you can visit two natural waterfalls here. Meanwhile, Áňa took a nap in the stroller. We chose the return journey around the 23 Coloured Earth. This is the same natural phenomenon as in Chamarel, only slightly different shades of soil colors.

The park is beautifully maintained and if you like ziplines, ATVs, etc., you will love it here. You can combine La Vallée des Couleurs with a visit to Grand Bassin or Bois Cheri. FYI: photos are paid upon exit and you will only receive them digitally by email.

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