Grand Bassin


Grand Bassin

  • 24.7.2023

Half of the population of Mauritius are Hindus, so in addition to a large number of temples, you will also find sacred places on the island. The largest of them is Grand Bassin in Black River Gorges National Park. There is a large lake with fish where Hindus leave their offerings in the form of fruits or flowers for example. Several temples and statues of Hindu gods are built around the lake. The atmosphere of this place really has to be experienced. It is also a fascinating spectacle for children. Just please respect the sanctity of the place and the customs of Hinduism. Local believers are understanding towards tourists and are happy to introduce you to their religion and even involve you in rituals.

Give the children an old baguette so they can feed the fish in the lake. You might even meet cheeky monkeys. I recommend that you explain to the children in advance where you are going, how they should behave and explain everything to them along the way. Only then will they also have an experience of the place. There is a huge parking lot and toilets in front of the campus. Upon entering, you will be amazed by the huge statues of God Shiva, one of the tallest in the world, and Goddess Durga.

I recommend combining a visit to Grand Bassin with Bois Cheri and Chamarel and on the way do not forget to stop at the small botanical garden Sophie Nature Walk (free entry), see photo below. Just don't forget the repellent.

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