Pamplemousses Botanical Garden


Pamplemousses Botanical Garden

  • 28.7.2023

Our girls love botanical gardens, parks, forests... and so we visited the oldest botanical garden in the southern hemisphere. It is ideal to combine this trip with a visit to the L’Aventure du Sucre museum (both places are only a short distance from each other). The full name is Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Botanical Garden and it is named after the first Prime Minister of Mauritius. However, the name Pamplemousses Botanical Garden is commonly used.

The garden is beautifully maintained and, in addition to a large number of aquatic plants, palm trees and other rare trees, you will also find a listed colonial house, ponds with ducks, an enclosure for turtles and fallow deer, gazebos and, above all, the biggest attraction - a vast rectangular pond with giant water lilies. Allegedly, the largest of them can carry even a small baby. Well, Lily wanted to try it, but luckily we didn't let her 😁.

Refreshments can be purchased in the parking lot at the stand. Entrance 300 rs/adult, free parking.


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