Deux Mamelles


Deux Mamelles

  • 19.7.2023

Lily and I went on this nice hike, which is short and easy, this time without mom and Áňa. These two peaks are called according to the shape they resemble - two tits 😁. Lily and I managed to hike both of them in two days. At first, we went to the western one. However, while I was handling my work calls, we ended up quite unexpectedly at the eastern one. For the second time, the western one has also worked out.

You can park in a large area by the road just below the peaks. There is a rather steep path leading to both peaks, which is surrounded by low trees and bushes along its entire length, so you don't have to worry about the sun. There are quite a few mosquitoes under the peaks, but the closer you are getting to the peak, the surrounding vegetation is lower and lower and the wind blows more, so the mosquitoes also decrease.

From both peaks there is a wonderful view of the surrounding mountains, especially the high-rising mountain range with the dominant Pieter Both mountain and the M3 motorway. However, in good weather you can see as far as Le Morne mountain, the Lion mountain near Mahebourg or even the island of Gunners Quoin in the north. The entire journey takes a maximum of 1.5 - 2 hours, even with a child.

In retrospect, I have to say that I wouldn't like to go with Áňa in a baby carrier, because in some places,the path is quite narrow and the forest is dense, so it would be very difficult. As for Lily, she is a good walker, but I had to hold both of her hands basically the entire way and constantly helped her, so if you and your child are not physically fit enough, then I do not recommend the trip for you.

Which peak is better? For me, it's the western one, but there is a wonderful view from both of them. Several paths lead to both peaks, however, on the way to the western one, you will arrive at a very confusing crossroad. The most marked direction (to the right) is strangely not the right one and leads along a narrow contour just below the eastern peak. To climb the western peak, you can either go straight or to the left, which is a more accessible and marked route. After turning left, you will only go straight for a short time and at the first possible turn you will turn right again for a steep climb. Subsequently, the path is marked with tapes and ribbons on the trees. After about 15-20 minutes you will reach the top, where you will be delighted by the wonderful view and the local Strawberry Guava fruits, which Lily constantly fed me the entire time we was on the top 😂.

The beginning of the journey to the west peak:

If you would rather choose the route to the eastern peak, then on the way from the "parking lot" towards the peaks, turn immediately to the right at the end of the "parking lot" (you will not go straight across the bridge). After that, the path leads past sugar cane fields to the crossroad below the eastern peak. Here you need to go up slightly to the left (careful - don't turn sharply to the left, otherwise you will follow the contour below the western peak). From here you are at the top in about 15-20 minutes once again.

Another pictures

Lily's series at the end.