Bras D'Eau NP


Bras D'Eau National Park

  • 11.8.2023

There is not a single national park in Mauritius, although the largest one is the Black River Gorges NP, you will find the smaller and less well-known Bras D'Eau National Park in the east of the island. You can't look for wonderful views here. The park consists of a forest with endemic animals and plants.

Right at the entrance, a very nice guide will introduce you to the secrets of the forest. He will show you the route, where to go and everything interesting you will see along the way. In the entrance area, there are also ruins from the colonial period and a small fenced enclosure for turtles.

However, we were mainly interested in the route itself, which measures 7 km along its entire length. We walked its shorter part to the public beach and the lakes. The route is made up of stones, but children can handle it (Áňa also walked a large part of it). As you walk all the way through the forest, don't forget the repellent. On hot days, on the other hand, the forest provides welcome shade.

What will you see along the way? If you look carefully and don't make any noise, you will see macaques playing in the treetops, day geckos and several species of rare endemic birds. First you come across the remains of an old well, followed by the two ponds. At the fork in the road to the beach, we turned around and headed back to the parking lot. It was on the way back that we met a large family of macaques (the macaques are not native to the island).

There are restrooms and a camping area by the visitor center parking lot. There is no entrance fee.

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