Black River Gorges NP


Black River Gorges National Park

  • 5.8.2023

Black River Gorges National Park is home to countless hiking trails, viewpoints, and waterfalls. However, only the most famous of them are well marked, e.g. the Macchabée trail.

The TROCHETTIA TRAIL is also among the better marked routes. This is an easy trek through mostly forest full of strawberry guava trees to the most famous viewpoint of the Black River Gorges.

The trees are good, because you can hold on to them when the surface is slippery. The only minor pitfall is fording a small river. The path is marked with phosphor labels and the journey there and back is just over 3 km long. Leave the car parked in the place marked on the map below the article.

On weekends and when the weather is good, the viewpoint is full of people. We had a cloudy rainy day, so we were all alone there. At the viewpoint, there is a parking lot and a camping area. You can follow the same route on the way back, which we recommend, or return to the car by road. You can combine the trip with a view of Alexandra falls.