Bench 828


The highest peak in Mauritius - "Bench 828"

  • 11.8.2023

828 m - this is exactly the height of the highest peak in Mauritius and it is called Piton de la Petit Riviere Noire, but in Google maps you will find it hidden under the name Bench 828. There is an iconic bench in the national colors on the top of the mountain. Mountain Le Morne was closed for individual tourism in April, so we decided to climb another peak, the highest one.

We parked in a small parking lot 300m from the Black River Gorges viewpoint (see map below the article). From there, walk down the road for approx. 100m to the start of the trail. The path is very well marked and you will almost always go straight. Uphill and downhill sections alternate. In the case of rainy days, the trail will be very muddy, because it is covered with trees, which is a welcome plus on hot days. By walking through the forest, definitely don't forget the repellent.

After approx. 2 km you will reach the top of Saint Denis with the first view of Le Morne. On the way to the highest peak you will pass views of distant waterfalls (only if there is enough water)!! Just below the peak, however, the real adventure begins - climbing with the help of a rope. Here you will find yourself at a crossroads - either choose this more adventurous ascent with a rope or take the longer but safer narrow forest path to the right. Attention, there is a third path on the left, but we do not know where it leads.

We took the path with the rope, because I couldn't find the narrow forest path on the first try. Well, this was really challenging with the kids, but since it was dry, we managed the entire climb. The view from the top is really beautiful. You can see Le Morne, La Tourelle, Ile aux Benitiers, Black River Gorges NP and even the south coast. It is such a small duty to take a picture on that iconic bench. I recommend starting the hike as early as possible - you reduce the risk of clouds obscuring the views.

We chose the "safer" way back. And really - it's ideal for children. You will first go along the ridge and at the crossroads you will turn right and before long you are back on the main route. 👍 Back to the car you are already following the same path.

The total elevation gain of 400m and 7km in the legs gave us all a hard time. It was the most challenging route for all of us so far. The constant alternation "downhill/uphill" got tired of me by the end. In a nutshell - in dry conditions, the route is passable for all able-bodied children.👍


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